
This website was created to expand our capabilities to inform the communities of Montague County. Our goal is to familiarize the citizens of our county with the operations of our community Emergency Management offices and Skywarn, which utilizes amateur radio operators and public safety agencies such as Police and Fire, in efforts to spot severe weather and tornadoes in our area. These efforts are organized in our Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which is located in the Emergency Management Office of the City of Bowie.

We are equipped to provide communications throughout the region in the event of a local emergency or larger incident that might require disaster relief efforts, and we have acquired the ability to communicate with people all over the world by radio, internet and other means in case of a major disaster or catastrophic event.

In the future, we will continue to provide real-time warnings by way of our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/MECTSkywarn which will be posted by personnel in the EOC as the events happen, so please like our page and monitor it in the event of severe weather for the most accurate weather reports.

This website will allow us to share educational documents and create a gallery of images from our spotters. Thank you for your support!